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Retail Boxes

Leading the way in Retail

Award winning customer support strategies, eye catching packaging and powerful brand recognition have made MGV the leader in the retail market. In fact MGV's memory products are on the shelves of more than 2,000 locations of major retailers and electronic superstores across the U.S.

Resellers and Distributors

Support programs designed specifically for resellers by experienced sales professionals have made MGV a valuable partner for top aggregators and distributors. These leaders support more than 8,000 computer resellers and dealers throughout the U.S.

Original Equipment Manufactures

MGV's roots in manufacturing memory for major computer makers give us a unique appreciation for the requirements of OEMs. A reputation for high quality manufacturing and on time deliveries also make MGV a valued resource. MGV continues to serve a trusted supplier to all types of electronic OEMs wich require memory related products and contract manufacturing services.

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